Author: Ed

  • I Sold My Truck

    I sold my truck today. I had it barely a year, but have barely used it in the last couple of months. Now that Sarah and I work at the same place, we commute together. So I had only driven the truck maybe three times in the last two months, and then only because I…

  • Site Rebuild

    I learned last night that this site was hacked somehow. I don’t know if it was due to a vulnerability in WordPress or a WordPress plugin or, more likely, a vulnerability in the many, many other scripts and add-ons that I had accumulated here over the last 14 years of running this site. As a…

  • Logos

    I am a huge fan of Logos Bible Software.  For those who aren’t familiar with them, Logos makes the leading software for reading and analyzing the Bible, along with hundreds of other materials, including ancient texts, commentaries, and more. I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of the Scholar’s Library — dozens of resources, worth…

  • Fascinating New Brain Research

    Researchers have observed never-before-detected brain activity in deep coma states.  This has obvious implications for end-of-life decisions, but also (as the article points out) for trauma patients who are placed into comas for medical reasons.  Very interesting stuff.

  • How to Move Your Contacts from an iPhone to Exchange

    When I changed jobs, I found myself with a lot of legacy contacts that were on my iPhone but not in Outlook at work. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can use an app called Orbi Tools to move contacts from the “On my iPhone” group to Exchange.  I did this, and…