Author: Ed
The Problems With Voting Machines
There are a number of reasons voting machines currently used in much of the country should give us pause. Whether you’re an open source enthusiast, a conspiracy theorist, or simply a citizen concerned about the risks of human error and glitches, this should demonstrate that we have a long way to go in developing computer-based…
Blind Leading the Blind
A retired teacher reveals he was illiterate until age 48. The author seems to think this story is inspirational. I would call it disgusting and a sign that our educational system is a wreck.
MDU Communications Resolution?
I don’t want to speak too soon, but it looks like the connection problems I mentioned before have been resolved – our internet access is truly flying right now. IM me or post a comment to let me know if you’re still having problems, and we’ll pass them along to the Regents and MDU people…
Romney’s Withdrawal
As I’m sure everyone has heard, Mitt Romney gave this speech, today, announcing his withdrawal from the race for the Republican presidential nomination. I thought it was actually a very good speech, especially under the circumstances. Romney will be back. Meanwhile, CPAC has told attendees not to boo McCain. Apparently, even at a group McCain…
Take Action: MDU Communications
Regents Park residents: Please send the following email message to [email protected]: I live in Regents Park in Chicago, a building where you provide cable internet access. Our connection is pathetically slow — worse than dial-up, in fact — and has been since your company began providing service on February 1. Please remedy this situation, immediately.…