Author: Ed

  • Your Smartphone or Your Life

    Everyone: please be safe on the road. Whatever you need to read or look at on a phone can wait. It’s not worth dying for.   A few things I’ve seen in the last 24 hours:   A young man riding a bike and reading a piece of paper, with no hands on the handlebars.…

  • Post-Mortem, Episode III

    After every presidential election since the first one in which I got to vote, I have posted some thoughts on this blog or in various other places on the ‘net. You can read the 2004, 2008, and 2012 posts on this site; the 2000 post and a longer 2004 post have apparently been lost to…

  • Votes and Prayers

    Votes and Prayers

    I voted today, on the first day of early voting in Texas. Now, don’t worry; I’m not going to tell you in this post how I think you should vote. (I literally am not allowed to endorse candidates for any office because of my job.) I’m also not going to tell you how not to vote. Instead, I’m going…

  • Commenting on the State of the World

    I have not been posting about all of the traumatic news in recent days—whether political news or news of acts of violence—for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that, in my current full-time job, I am a public servant who cannot, for ethical reasons, comment every time I might want to do so.…

  • Election 2016: Why I Cannot Vote for Trump

    I have mostly kept quiet this year about the election, for a variety of reasons. For those reasons and other reasons, this may well be my only election-related post during this presidential election. But, I have something to say and want to get it on the record now, before Super Tuesday and the Texas primary.…