Category: Faith
Do terrorists really hate freedom?
That’s the question posed (and answered, tongue-in-cheek, Trudeau-style) in today’s Doonesbury strip. It’s actually a really good question, so I’ll offer my answer.
Death in London, Madness in Iraq
This morning, as I’m sure you’ve heard, four bombs exploded in the London transit system, killing at least 33 and wounding hundreds. A group calling itself the “Secret Organization Group of al Qaeda of Jihad in Europe” is claiming responsibility. Also, this morning, the al Qaeda organization in Iraq claims that it has killed the…
Nationalized murder
Our nation is in the process of becoming a nation of accomplices. After a series of sham trials, in which only one side of the evidence has been permitted by the courts, a woman who is clearly not brain dead, legally or by simple observation, is about to die a torturous death by judicial fiat.…
A question about Bible “versions”
The following is my reply to an email sent by a visitor to my website, asking for an explanation of the different Bible “versions.” Please remember that this is only an overview of the topic and is written for one evangelical Christian, by another. Dear [name withheld], Thank you for your question. I will try…
Grad School bound
I am definitely heading to grad school – I’ve decided that’s really where I’m called and where I want to be. So, applications have been a major reason for the lack of updates, recently. So much to do… I’m excited, though, and even have some rough ideas for thesis topics (yes, that’s 2-3 years away,…