Category: Miscellanea
What goes up must come down
I put up a new flag on Monday morning. Today a huge branch fell on it and broke the flagpole. That was short-lived…
PSA: Houston is turning the red-light cameras back on
Houston is turning its red-light cameras back on today, but it isn’t happy about it. h/t Swamplot, via Sarah
Win Some, Lose Some
Today’s win: successfully replacing the laser in a broken Wii console, without wiping the saved data or shorting anything out. Thank you, Console Zombie! Today’s loss: finding out that Momentum MINI in Houston put much cheaper tires on my car two weeks ago than the ones that I came in with, even though they didn’t…
Jamaica and the Amazing Airtight Humidor
We just got back from Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and it was awesome. Last week was our first real vacation (“real,” as in longer than a three-day weekend and not a holiday visit with family – a true getaway) since 2008. It was way overdue, and well worth it. One weird finale to the trip: my…
Minutes to Circle
If you’ve ever driven from O’Hare into the heart of Chicago, you have surely seen the electric signs that say things like “24 minutes to circle via Kennedy.” I’ve always thought that was bizarre at best, since I am aware of the Loop in Chicago, but not anything known as “the circle.” Can anybody shed…