Category: Miscellanea

  • $7,400,000,000,000

    That’s what the Fed is pledging to “rescue the financial system,” according to That’s 50% of 2007 GDP, or 288% of 2007 federal tax revenues. Makes my prior post sound look like a praise of good budgeting.

  • Brilliant a Cappella Geekery

    For all the Lucas/Spielberg/Williams fans out there (and probably most of the critics, as well), I present the best use of YouTube I have seen in a while. (h/t American Elephants)

  • New Cell Phone Number

    I am ditching my old, Chicago-area code (773) cell phone and switching to a Houston number. Please direct all calls and texts to 713-876-6095. Thanks!

  • The Only Graph You Really Need to Understand the Auto Industry’s Problems

    It’s the best one-image summary of why the Detroit Three are in such hot water, and it’s on Michigan economist Mark Perry’s blog. (h/t Greg Mankiw).

  • Quote of the Day

    “Indeed you can usually tell when the concepts of democracy and citizenship are weakening. There is an increase in the role of charity and in the worship of volunteerism. These represent the élite citizen’s imitation of noblesse oblige; that is, of pretending to be aristocrats or oligarchs, as opposed to being citizens.” – John Ralston…