Category: Miscellanea

  • Another what coming?

    After my last post, Sarah pointed out to me that she has only ever heard the phrase “another thing coming.” In fact, she thought I must have made a typo. I, on the other hand, had only ever heard “another think coming,” until about a year ago. My take was that it was a play…

  • It’s Espresso

    … not expresso. Sheesh.

  • Take Action: MDU Communications

    Regents Park residents: Please send the following email message to [email protected]: I live in Regents Park in Chicago, a building where you provide cable internet access. Our connection is pathetically slow — worse than dial-up, in fact — and has been since your company began providing service on February 1. Please remedy this situation, immediately.…

  • MDU Communications: Low-Speed Internet

    If you happen to be considering either getting high-speed internet access from MDU Communications or moving into an apartment where they are the sole provider, like at our apartment, my advice has to be: run away. Our “high-speed” cable connection is slower than a bad dial-up connection. It has performed nominally well on a couple…

  • Public Service Announcement: Tested Advertising Methods

    After watching a truly horrifying self-produced commercial, I felt compelled to recommend again a book which everyone in business should read. It’s a classic, called Tested Advertising Methods, and it basically tells you all you need to know about advertising (what works and what doesn’t, why, etc.). Do yourself or the business geek(s) in your…