Category: Miscellanea

  • Going to Get a MINI

    There’s a MINI Cooper S, coming in, that has everything I want to pay for. So, I’m heading over to the nearest dealer (a couple hours from here) in the morning, for a test drive. Assuming I like the current model styling and handling as much as that of the ’04 model, I’ll be reserving…

  • Hackers, or Idiots?

    What is the deal with the 404 (page not found) errors on my site? Some are Power PC problems (a tendency to include bad punctuation in page requests). Most, however, appear to be hack attempts. For example, rather than requesting /edblog/content_45.htm, somebody requests /women/creditos/content_45.htm. What is that? Weird…

  • Oops – Biggest News of the Day!

    I don’t know how I forgot this; two of my dearest friends, Bryan and Kristine Vermillion, delivered a healthy, baby boy, today. Congratulations, Bryan and Kristine!

  • New Feature: Current Reading and Listening

    I have added a fun new feature: on certain pages (the home page, Music page, EdBlog, and books section), my current and most recent reading and listening selections will appear on the left side. I have always thought this was a cool feature on other sites, because it’s (a) interesting to see what makes people…

  • Sometimes, life really is good.

    In spite of all the bad days, crazy politics, and other hassles of life, sometimes you just have a really good day. Today was one of those days. My parents have a contract on their house, after having it on the market for less than two weeks. My second business, Safe At Hand, which sells…