Ed Cottrell

  • The Village

    I just saw the movie “The Village.” While writer/producer/director M. Night Shyamalan and I may not agree entirely on the current state of America and American society, I found it to be probably the most intellectually stimulating movie I’ve seen in at least a couple of years. It’s not for everybody, as some will only…

  • It has been too long…

    This is in serious need of an update, but, yes, I am still out here. The primary reason that this is out of date is that I have been far too busy with work… gotta pay bills! I plan to unveil a new version of this blog, soon; the main thing you’ll notice is that…

  • Getting old

    I’m officially “getting old”™, as certified by the Younger Sisters’ Institute for Sibling Harrassment®. A quarter century has come and gone… What have I learned? Ten observations, for starters: The Bible has the Truth the earth has too great a rotational speed (think about that one) kids have the best sense of humor Georgia has…

  • Safe At Hand – Hand Safety Products by Glove Guard™

    I’m proud to announce that the web site for my new business has gone live: Safe At Hand – Hand Safety Products by Glove Guard™. We sell Glove Guards and Utility Guards directly, online – standard products and custom imprints are available. Please visit the site and tell your friends!

  • Open letter to the Bible Gateway

    I would like to encourage you to reconsider your description of Eugene Peterson’s “The Message” at http://bible.gospelcom.net/languages/index.php?language=english&version=MSG . Far from capturing the “subtle connotations of meaning that are often lost in English translations,” The Message often exchanges these connotations for something totally different. Theological concepts are omitted, sin is downplayed – particularly by omitting reference…