Ed Cottrell
Today’s breakthrough is discovering a great and free spam filter for Outlook 2000 (and up) which uses Bayesian filtering. It’s called Spammunition. For those not familiar with these filters, a Bayesian filter operates on the assumption that history repeats itself: the odds of something being true in the future (or the present) can be predicted…
Search Engine Extravaganza
I just re-optimized the Topsail Consulting website. It’s not finished, of course – that’ll never happen – but it should be much better off. Meanwhile, Leslie and I are going to work on setting up a PCB ’99 reunion in PCB, next year. Should be a blast. Our mower finally came back from the shop,…
Business is boomin’
Topsail is roaring right along, this month – we have a number of new web design and search engine optimization prospects, and the business itself is on solid footing, for a while, even without new cash flow! God is good. We turned down an enormous, but morally questionable, contract about three weeks ago; I can’t…
Tomorrow is, of course, Easter Sunday. To me, it’s the single most amazing day of the year: it validates not only the Christian faith, but all of life. What a beautiful story. Sadly, so few people understand it. Good Friday is a wonderful thing: on that day, as Christ died on the cross, because (and…
Bowling practice
So, the lesson of the night is that I need to bowl more often, if I wish to be good. I bowled three games tonight. Suffice it to say that all were below my average, which is around 143; the last game I bowled, tonight, was a 142. Darn. Meanwhile, I’m making progress, but by…