Ed Cottrell

  • Musings on History

    Never assume that a logical connection exists between some instance of what is and some ideal of what could be. Some things cannot be redeemed, but are best destroyed or simply left alone. Indeed, many of history’s saddest chapters began with efforts to turn a present but dying evil into a lively engine for good.

  • You Need a Budget! (Review)

    Thanks to a post by Tim Challies, Sarah and I decided to download and try a trial of a software product called You Need a Budget, or YNAB. We are now in love with this product. The premise of YNAB is simple: (1) everyone needs to budget, and (2) no other software products out there…

  • What goes up must come down

    I put up a new flag on Monday morning. Today a huge branch fell on it and broke the flagpole. That was short-lived…

  • PSA: Houston is turning the red-light cameras back on

    Houston is turning its red-light cameras back on today, but it isn’t happy about it. h/t Swamplot, via Sarah

  • Win Some, Lose Some

    Today’s win: successfully replacing the laser in a broken Wii console, without wiping the saved data or shorting anything out. Thank you, Console Zombie! Today’s loss: finding out that Momentum MINI in Houston put much cheaper tires on my car two weeks ago than the ones that I came in with, even though they didn’t…