Ed Cottrell

  • Dog on a Ham Slicer

    Jeremy Clarkson is one of the geniuses featured on the BBC series Top Gear. He is also author of possibly the most amazing review of a new car I have ever read. Money quote: It feels like the clutch is slipping. It feels horrid. And the sound is worse. The Honda’s petrol engine is a…

  • Who needs Twitter?

    I have avoided signing up for a Twitter account.  The last thing I need is another username and password to keep track of, not to mention one more unused service to feel occasionally guilty about.  But, I still want to post more often, especially short posts. So, I set up a special email account, which…

  • Man, I’m Terrible

    I’ve been blogging for more than eight years and still can’t avoid the multi-week periods of radio digital silence. Weak, I know. So, what’s going on? Nothing and everything. The biggest news is that we’re buying a house! That is, as long as all the remaining details come together in the next few days. It’s…

  • Editing Fail

    Forget bloggers and the economy; this is why newspapers are going under left and right. Go on; try to count the grammatical errors.  (Try not to be distracted by the incredibly scuzzy Uncle Sam figure or the strange logical errors.) If the reader has to have a good understanding of a topic to comprehend a…

  • Susan Boyle – I’m Impressed

    I decided to jump on the bandwagon and check out the Susan Boyle Britain’s Got Talent performance on YouTube. I was not expecting much, based on my impression of most TV-talent show successes… wow. That is a challenging song, and to sound that good in a YouTube clip… I’m impressed.