Ed Cottrell

  • Self-Immolation, 9th Circuit Style

    Today featured a classic effort at self-pwnage, presented by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The case is United States v. Beltran-Moreno. Best quote: In short, if the Beltrans’ sentences were to be altered, there appears to be only one direction in which they could go, and that is up —…

  • When it rains…

    Blogging hiatus: over. The last week or so was insane. We got slammed at work all week, went to look at houses – we’re a ways out, but you gotta start early – Saturday, then went to a housewarming party Saturday night. Sunday slowed me down – way down. I got some sort of stomach…

  • Taking a Break

    I am taking a break. I love blogging, but I’m frankly a little too crushed to do much of it right now. Between current events and my own take on where things are going in various arenas, I’m just not feeling like doing much blogging. I am happy to discuss just about any current topic…

  • An Economic Record for the Ages

    When the Bank of England does anything for the first time – it’s 315 years old this year, after all – it’s worth noting.

  • Crazy Busy

    Sarah and I were laughing just yesterday at how recently, as very new associates, we were waiting to get staffed on enough cases to stay busy. We both have all we can handle, now, and it’s not busy work. Some of it is less than glamorous, but it’s all real legal work that has to…