Ed Cottrell

  • The Only Graph You Really Need to Understand the Auto Industry’s Problems

    It’s the best one-image summary of why the Detroit Three are in such hot water, and it’s on Michigan economist Mark Perry’s blog. (h/t Greg Mankiw).

  • Quote of the Day

    “Indeed you can usually tell when the concepts of democracy and citizenship are weakening. There is an increase in the role of charity and in the worship of volunteerism. These represent the élite citizen’s imitation of noblesse oblige; that is, of pretending to be aristocrats or oligarchs, as opposed to being citizens.” – John Ralston…

  • Are Stocks Really A Bargain?

    Elliott Wave International asks, “Are stocks really a bargain?” If you believe your eyes, the answer is pretty clear. P.S. In case you were wondering what the current DJIA dividend yield is (click the link above to see why this is relevant), you can see that here.

  • Nation of Burkeans?

    The National Review features a fantastic piece by Alexander Benard and Anthony Dick on America’s True Genius. The thesis: change does not make a nation great, and it certainly is not what has made America great. Rather, it is the constitutionally-mandated stability of our system of laws – the difficulty of implementing radical change –…

  • Ouch

    Let’s all hope this, at least, does not repeat. It’s a miracle the American Dream has survived this long.