Ed Cottrell
Question of the Day
No, it’s not a political one. It’s this: who comes along after trash has been collected on trash day, opens a neighbor’s trash can, and deposits two unsealed bags of foul, stinking, rain-drenched trash? Who does that? William’s right; I am beseiged by idiocy.
Not Everyone Should Own a Home
Not Everyone Should Own a Home. Amen. What the Australians, the Europeans, and those who actually have to make their living in banking all get is that many, many people lack the means and others the responsibility to own their own homes. What was lacking in the run-up to the current bubble was not regulation.…
Two Americas? Or Two Visions of America?
Mona Charen has a fantastic and fascinating take on Michelle Obama’s Fearful Vision on National Review Online. Read all the way to the end; it’s a great demonstration of one of the ways this country so often rises above those who would destroy it.
Busy busy bees
Well, it has been a while since I posted. The craziness of starting work, recovering from a hurricane, and otherwise getting on with life tends to get in the way of informing the world about one’s activities. I have a million thoughts about the election, politics, human nature, and other topics. But, seeing as that’s…
The power is finally back on! It only took 11.5 days, but we have lights, A/C, cable, internet access… In short, we have our home back, and it is good.