Ed Cottrell
Weblog Hosting Breakdown: WordPress hits 57%
WordPress now account for 57% of weblog posts, according to the Spinn3r Weblog Hosting Breakdown. [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken]
Outlook Attachment Reminder
Ever send an email without the attachment? You go on and on about what’s in it, then never send the file. I’ve done that. No more; now there’s the Outlook attachment reminder macro. Easy to install, and I just verified it works. Hat tip: lifehacker.
Russia Rising (in My Inbox)
The number of Russian-language spams (or at least Cyrillic font) I get has risen dramatically, lately. For a while, I got a lot of Chinese and Korean spams, but now, the Russian stuff reigns supreme, at a bit over 5% of the total. I’m not sure what this signifies. On the one hand, obviously, a…
New Site Design
I think you’ll agree: it was time for an overhaul of this site. The layout was getting stale, the navigation menu was completely out of control, and the sheer quantity of content was causing serious bloat. Well, finally, today, I delivered: a completely new layout, a completely new architecture/organization, a handful of new features, and…
Site Maintenance
The site will be undergoing maintenance for the next couple of hours. Things will be completely messed up for a little while, then they should be back up, though possibly less than 100% operational. If you try to check the site between now (4:00 CDT on Sunday) and about 6:00 CDT and have problems, try…