Ed Cottrell
Byron York on the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency
Byron York has more good points [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken] on the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency on National Review Online. Worth a read.
Obama: When life begins is “above his pay grade”
Obama says the question of when babies obtain human rights is “above his pay grade.” [Ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken.] This has to be one of the very most ill-advised things any major candidate has said, thus far in the election cycle. Even aside from the fact that…
Simply Amazing
I had the pleasure of watching history being made [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken] with Stephen Schwartz and Sarah at the Baker Street pub in town, tonight. Amazing. Congratulations, Michael Phelps.
Dean on Racial and Gender Diversity
Howard Dean says non-whites and women are more successful in the Democratic Party than “in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party.” It’s hard to say whether or not that’s true, of course, given the (recent) historical preference of those groups for the DNC over the GOP, which also frequently results in…
Journalism =/= Mathematics
As a math major, law school grad, and economic policy wonk, I’m not sure which aspect of this stupidity by the New York Times horrifies me most. Is it: that people think we do tax at those rates, that some people think we should, that no editor caught the logical flaws before publication, or that…