Ed Cottrell

  • Taxes, Parts 2-5

    If there’s one thing I love more than taxes, it has to be having a week in which to recalculate and refile all your timely filed tax forms… in duplicate. Thanks to a glitch in my tax prep software (here nameless, but quite reputable), our Illinois return was filed in such a way that Illinois…

  • Dominican Republic Vacation

    Sarah and I took a “bar trip,” a post-bar exam jaunt down to the Dominican Republic, where we enjoyed an all-inclusive week at a luxury resort. It was awesome. A full week of sun, sand, and being extremely lazy was just what we needed to force the bar exam from our conscious memories (though one…

  • More on The Shack

    Tim Challies has posted a follow-up on his review of The Shack [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken]. As expected, it prompted a vigorous discussion in the comments. (See also this post  [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken] for another discussion, which Challies cites.)…

  • The Bar Exam, Post-Mortem

    Well, we made it to the other side of the Texas bar exam intact. That was not a particularly fun experience. When taking the bar, a person definitely reaches a point where he knows very little law, knows this, and just can’t fit any more in his head without forcing out something truly important, like…

  • The Bar Exam

    As my last post and the fact that I was in law school for the last three years probably make obvious, Sarah and I are each getting ready to take the Texas Bar Exam. For those of you unfamiliar with this 2.5-day (and typically extremely costly and agonizing) ordeal, a friend of mine has posted…