Ed Cottrell

  • The Bar Exam

    As my last post and the fact that I was in law school for the last three years probably make obvious, Sarah and I are each getting ready to take the Texas Bar Exam. For those of you unfamiliar with this 2.5-day (and typically extremely costly and agonizing) ordeal, a friend of mine has posted…

  • Flipping Out, In Good Company

    A friend posted this sage advice to people about the take the bar exam, like yours truly: RELAX. Yes, it’s overwhelming. Yes, there is a huge amount of material, much of it obscure. But, you know what? If you study diligently, you will pass. Relax. It’ll all be over soon!

  • WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment Killer)

    IMPORTANT: The plugin described below has not been updated or tested in many years. Use at your own risk. In my ongoing battle against comment spam, I have finally decided to write myself a WordPress plugin as an additional layer of defense. It’s called WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment Killer). WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment…

  • Stuff!

    Sarah and I finally got our stuff delivered by the movers a couple days ago – it’s awfully nice to have more furniture than an air mattress and some household goods that aren’t single-use. We celebrated by going out for dinner at Pappasito’s. If you have never had skewered shrimp and vegetables where the shrimp…

  • Atheists Who Believe In God?

    This post over at Get Religion got me thinking, and very confused. Apparently, in a recently released Pew Forum poll, twenty-one of those who call themselves atheists stated that they believe in God. Eight percent of atheists are absolutely certain God exists. Now, I always thought of the word atheist as meaning what nearly any…