Ed Cottrell
Flipping Out, In Good Company
A friend posted this sage advice to people about the take the bar exam, like yours truly: RELAX. Yes, it’s overwhelming. Yes, there is a huge amount of material, much of it obscure. But, you know what? If you study diligently, you will pass. Relax. It’ll all be over soon!
WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment Killer)
IMPORTANT: The plugin described below has not been updated or tested in many years. Use at your own risk. In my ongoing battle against comment spam, I have finally decided to write myself a WordPress plugin as an additional layer of defense. It’s called WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment Killer). WRECK (WordPress Regular Expression Comment…
Sarah and I finally got our stuff delivered by the movers a couple days ago – it’s awfully nice to have more furniture than an air mattress and some household goods that aren’t single-use. We celebrated by going out for dinner at Pappasito’s. If you have never had skewered shrimp and vegetables where the shrimp…
Atheists Who Believe In God?
This post over at Get Religion got me thinking, and very confused. Apparently, in a recently released Pew Forum poll, twenty-one of those who call themselves atheists stated that they believe in God. Eight percent of atheists are absolutely certain God exists. Now, I always thought of the word atheist as meaning what nearly any…
An epic Bill Gates e-mail rant
Techmeme linked me to this amazing Bill Gates e-mail rant. It’s gratifying to know that even the creator of the operating system finds it infuriating, especially when it just took me 10 minutes to reconnect my old laptop to my 802.11g (WiFi) network. I mistyped the WEP key, allegedly, either in the first box or…