Ed Cottrell
Intel: “Web 2.0”-style cloud computing just a passing vapor
For all the Web 2.0 ad cloud computing enthusiasts out there: Intel: “Web 2.0”-style cloud computing just a passing vapor.
In Which I Bemoan Comment Spam Again
What in the world is going on with my blog’s comment spam in the last few days?
Moral Consideration of Plants
From the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology. I think I’ll go kick a dandelion. Hat tip: Volokh Conspiracy.
The Decline of Airline Service
Delayed again? Want to know why? Professor Becker and Judge Posner have the economic and legal takes on the problem – something to read while you’re stranded at O’Hare or Podunk Regional.
Shifting Gears: Are entrepreneurs crazy idiots?
My Entrepreneurship seminar instructor asks, “Are entrepreneurs crazy idiots?” His answer is, “Not necessarily, but some of them are.” It’s basically a risk vs. rewards calculus – if you have little to lose and much to gain, you probably should take the plunge, but if that’s not you, you probably should not. I think that…