Ed Cottrell
Lark – er, starling – of a Story
Simply amazing. Hat tip: Pros and Cons
Have you started your social network yet?
Or rather, 230,000 of them? That’s the promise (and achievement) of Ning, the latest effort by serial entrepreneur Marc Andreessen. The principle is simple: let people create their own social networks, for whomever and whatever reason. The results are amazing: the site is growing at 0.4% per day and aiming to host 4 million networks…
The Big Switch
As I mentioned before, Sarah and I are in Randy Picker’s Tech Policy Seminar, which has so far produced three weeks of really good discussions. The last two weeks were spent discussing Nicholas Carr’s The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google. It was a very interesting and provocative read. While I think…
Minor Site Tweaks, More to Come
As promised, a few little changes have been going on behind and before the scenes, today. First, the blog software has been upgraded. More noticeably, I added a LinkedIn button and the AddThis bookmark dropdown menu. Want to add one of my posts to your Digg, Facebook, MySpace, or other link list? Click away –…
Life = Insanity
I have not been posting too much, lately. One key reason for this: Sarah tore a tendon out of her ankle and then proceeded to get terribly sick, on top of it. (She’s okay now – has an air cast, needs physical therapy, and is still congested, but is decidedly on the mend.) Of course,…