Ed Cottrell
Favorite Spam of the Day
I love this person, because he or she is incompetent in the most amusing way. One would hope that such blazing incompetence renders such people inept in their efforts to harm others, though for every con there is probably a gullible enough mark out there… Subject: 2007 Fiscal Activity – $2839,49 Refund From: “[email protected]”<service @irs.gov>…
Tech Policy Seminar
Both Sarah and I are going to be blogging and commenting at Professor Picker’s Antitrust & Intellectual Property seminar blog (called, for some reason, the Tech Policy Seminar blog) this quarter. The current topic of discussion is Jean-Noël Jeanneney‘s Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge, translated from the French Quand Google défie l’Europe: Plaidoyer…
Grilling Oil Executives
I am, I admit, a paleocapitalist and (mostly a) paleoconservative. That said, I do not think oil company executives – or any other corporate executives – should have to defend their company’s profits, unless illegally gained. For that reason, this meddling strikes me as ridiculous. Lest we forget, oil is among the most volatile and…
Chicago’s Internet Ban
The law school has banned (rendered impossible) internet access in classrooms, starting with my last quarter there, as reported here. This is very frustrating, because there are, in fact, legitimate reasons for using internet access during class. I confess to occasionally using it to check news, etc., but I also use in-class internet daily to…
Power Line: The kind of numbers Hillary Clinton needs more of
Power Line has a good post [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken] on a new Gallup poll. The upshot of it is that huge numbers of Democrats say they will defect and vote for Senator McCain if the Democratic nominee is not their pick between Senators Obama and Clinton. Of…