Ed Cottrell
U.S. News Rankings
The 2008 U.S. News rankings of law schools leaked, today, as a number of websites reported. See, for example, Abovethelaw.com [ed.: link updated to an archived link because the original was broken]. One of the major points people are talking about is that Penn and Chicago, still tied, dropped to seventh, while the University of California…
McCain vs Obama: Bailouts
I’ve been rather silent on here in the last couple weeks – finals and Spring Break will do that. Throw in an early birthday present (a Wii!), and posting has been a low priority. Anyway, the New York Times has an interesting post on McCain and Obama on subprime bailouts Hat tip Greg Mankiw.
More Fun with Daylight Savings Time
I had forgotten another wonderful byproduct of DST. Microsoft Outlook automatically changes all of my all-day or multi-day appointments to start one hour later. Why it would be true, now, that the Fourth of July holiday would start at 1:00 AM, for example… I have no idea. P.S. This doesn’t impact appointments that are not…
Being Too Helpful
Most days, we use my phone as my alarm clock. It’s loud enough and persistent enough, plus it automatically compensates for things like Daylight Savings Time. Imagine my surprise when I discovered, however, that it had adjusted not only the time, but the alarm times, as well. So, at 2:00 AM, it apparently set the…
The Popularity of Christian Books
Intro I have been thinking a lot lately, as my last few posts may have indicated, about just what American Christians are reading. This has been fueled not only by my own reading of The Shack, but also by my discovery of two great websites. One is a blog by an author named Tim Challies,…