Ed Cottrell
Why Liberals Will Always Have Better Methods
I had a short series of recent conversations on the nature of conservatism. The upshot of the conversations was this: conservatives don’t really have very many tools at their disposal, while a liberal political theory has at its disposal all the means of the state. This follows from the fact that liberal politics – at…
McCain’s Eligibility – Natural-Born Citizen?
This is the second comment in as many days I’ve seen on this point. John McCain was born abroad, on a United States military base in the Panama Canal Zone. Does that make him ineligible under the United States Constitution, Article I, section 1, clause 5 (the “Natural Born Citizen Clause”)? The clause states that:…
Marketing The Shack
I posted a short review of The Shack here, earlier. I would love to hear from my readers about another, related topic: the book’s marketing. In my opinion, the way in which The Shack has been marketed raises some disturbing questions, of a kind I don’t normally associate with “mainstream” “Christian” books. First, there is…
The End of Multiculturalism
Lawrence Harrison has a great essay out on The End of Multiculturalism, in which he argues that multiculturalism is, ironically, both the root of the George W. Bush administration’s foreign policy difficulties and the causes of major crises here at home. Give it a read.
Book Review: The Shack
I recently read The Shack, which is a novel that came out last spring. In The Shack, a man whose daughter was murdered returns to the scene of the crime, where he meets with three people who claim to be the three persons of the Trinity (Papa, an African-American woman, as the Father; Jesus as…