Ed Cottrell
Truer words…
A friend sent this to me: “I think of everybody I know, you are the one most constantly besieged by idiocy.” In case you wondered why I haven’t posted much, lately, there’s your answer.
I have been invited to join the staff of the Chicago Journal of International Law for the coming year, and have accepted. I’m looking forward to the experience!
Because It’s There
I made it! Rainier was incredible. Unfortunately, as I suspected, my physical conditioning was pretty borderline, so I was dragging on the way down, but I did make both the summit and the trip down under my own power. What an incredible mountain. I plan to post a lot more on this; more details are…
1L Recap
It seems like a recap of my year might be a potentially useful thing, either for those who wonder why I’ve suddenly become so bad at keeping in touch or for those who go through this, next year. There were two big lessons of the year, for me: Rely heavily on practicing with old exams…
The Zac Brown Band
My sister Annie introduced me to the Zac Brown Band, last night. Twenty-four hours later, they are one of my favorite groups. Excellent. If you like country or Southern rock, at all, go to the site and listen to the three free streams.