Ed Cottrell
Ann Coulter, Plagiarist?
Professor Randy Picker just posted some interesting commentary on the AP’s suggestion that Ann Coulter committed plagiarism in her new book, Godless. It comes a little too close to the topic of our brief, last quarter, but it’s interesting, nonetheless.
American Legal Theory Grade
My American Legal Theory grade came back, today. For once, it looks like hard work really does pay off in law school!
LSAT Prep in the Chicago Metro Area
I no longer offer any test preparation services. I am not able at this time to make referrals to any other private tutors. Please do not write me to ask for test prep – this is all I will be able to tell you.
Mt. Rainier
A little while back, a friend (who also happens to be my dentist) invited me to join him on a Mt. Rainier climb, next month. I jumped at the opportunity, but the company that organizes these trips told me the trip in question was booked full. Well, yesterday, I got off the waitlist. I’m going!…
Signed Base Sweetness!
I went and saw the Cubs-Tigers game, today. To all you ultra-hardcore Southsiders: yes, it is okay to like both teams, not a sign of mental defect, and I’m still a Sox fan! Anyway, the game was a disaster – every run scored for either side was on a home run. There were eleven of…