Ed Cottrell
Great. Now, I’m even getting spam from United States Senators.
I somehow (not by choice) got added to Saxby Chambliss’s mailing list, about two years ago. I unsubscribed. I was added, again, about a year ago, after I had moved out of the State of Georgia. I unsubscribed. Today, I got a “weekly update” newsletter from his office, with no unsubscribe link or instructions, in…
More Earthquakes
My sleepy little hometown is rockin’ and rollin’. My parents report that they felt this one, too.
Arrrgh… E-mail is the Bane of My Existence
E-mail stats through 13 days of June:* Good: 1,217 (93.6/day) Spam: 8,535 (656.5/day) Total: 9,752 (750.2/day) This is intolerable. * Figures do not include e-mail received on my University of Chicago, Yahoo!, or GMail accounts. I don’t even want to know how bad things are when those are factored in.
How Bad Things Have Gotten
Just how bad has comment spam gotten? Check it out, below. Red is spams, green is good comments, and black is a 30-day moving average. As you can see, I am averaging about 163 comments per day (essentially all spam). You can click on the images to enlarge them. [EDIT: The images in question were…
No More 1L
I am no longer a 1L. Thank goodness. I took my property exam, yesterday; I was a little terrified, at first, but think it’ll turn out just fine. This last quarter was insane. The first two quarters started kind of leisurely, each featured a sprint in the middle to get writing assignments done, then settled…