Ed Cottrell

  • Signed Base Sweetness!

    I went and saw the Cubs-Tigers game, today. To all you ultra-hardcore Southsiders: yes, it is okay to like both teams, not a sign of mental defect, and I’m still a Sox fan! Anyway, the game was a disaster – every run scored for either side was on a home run. There were eleven of…

  • Great. Now, I’m even getting spam from United States Senators.

    I somehow (not by choice) got added to Saxby Chambliss’s mailing list, about two years ago. I unsubscribed. I was added, again, about a year ago, after I had moved out of the State of Georgia. I unsubscribed. Today, I got a “weekly update” newsletter from his office, with no unsubscribe link or instructions, in…

  • More Earthquakes

    My sleepy little hometown is rockin’ and rollin’. My parents report that they felt this one, too.

  • Arrrgh… E-mail is the Bane of My Existence

    E-mail stats through 13 days of June:* Good: 1,217 (93.6/day) Spam: 8,535 (656.5/day) Total: 9,752 (750.2/day) This is intolerable. * Figures do not include e-mail received on my University of Chicago, Yahoo!, or GMail accounts. I don’t even want to know how bad things are when those are factored in.

  • How Bad Things Have Gotten

    Just how bad has comment spam gotten? Check it out, below. Red is spams, green is good comments, and black is a 30-day moving average. As you can see, I am averaging about 163 comments per day (essentially all spam). You can click on the images to enlarge them. [EDIT: The images in question were…