Ed Cottrell
More Spam Stats
For December: Good: 1,573 Spam: 15,963 Total: 17,536 (566/day) For 2005 Good: 19,889 Spam: 129,505 Total: 149,394 (409/day) Figures do not include UChicago, Yahoo!, or gMail messages. That’s just wrong.
Site Update
An awful lot has been going on, lately. Expect more posting, soon – Christmas break and posting just didn’t work out too well. Don’t expect posting too soon, though – I will be out of town much of this week, which means I will be spending the rest buried in law books…
How to Design and Backtest a Trading System
I have been working for some time on various systems for trading stocks, and thought I would share some of my observations and the lessons I have learned.
E-mail Insanity
Message count for the 24-hour period ending 12:15 AM, 12/14/05: Legitimate messages: 70 Spam messages: 607 Total messages: 677 That’s ridiculous. Thank goodness for filters. EDIT: Totals for the month of December, to date: 654 legitimate messages and 6,957 spams, or 7,611 total messages. That comes out to 585.5 messages per day. The above totals…
What I’ve Learned
Some things I’ve learned in my first quarter of law school: Your notes from your first five weeks of law school are probably not going to do you any good in exam preparation. It’s possible to go to a great school and have a lot of fun CivPro is all about the rules. Elements is…