Ed Cottrell

  • Nanocars. This is Just Cool.

    Drs. James Tour and Kevin Kelly of Rice University have built the world’s first single-molecule nanocar. This is just cool. Dr. Tour is awesome.

  • Junk Science – Global Warming Blues

    Junk Science – Global Warming Blues on FoxNews.com. For more good and honest evaluation of the evidence for and against various possible climate changes – warmer, colder, whatever – check out JunkScience.com. You might also find Michael Crichton’s State of Fear interesting.

  • Have They Lost Their Minds?

    I mentioned a couple of days ago that my apartment complex had done a rather poor job scheduling a building-wide extermination. Well, they’ve one-upped themselves. This building pioneered high-rise recycling. Each floor has recycling bins near the garbage chutes. I would say at least 30% of residents participate. Well, the new owners of the building…

  • It’s a Very Small World

    I ran into a buddy (Nathan Renick) from my Panama City Beach summer in the Knoxville airport, Wednesday night. That’s exceptionally obscure, since he lives in Mississippi and I live in North Carolina. It just worked out that the only flight I could book (late) was through Knoxville and Nathan’s family was getting together in…

  • Umm, hello?

    The powers that be at my apartment complex have informed me that they do a yearly preventive full-building extermination around this time. Unfortunately, they chose very late at night on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week to inform me that my apartment is scheduled for Monday and that I need to take certain steps to prepare.…