Ed Cottrell

  • LSAT, SAT, and GRE Tutoring

    I no longer offer any test preparation services. I am not able at this time to make referrals to any other private tutors. Please do not write me to ask for test prep – this is all I will be able to tell you.

  • Let the Uproar Begin

    The Kansas Board of Education, voting 6-4, has approved a science curriculum for public schools which incorporates information about the “intelligent design” arguments on human origins and highlights problems with contemporary evolutionary theory. This is bound to create a massive uproar, of course; I won’t dive into any of the issues, here, but I thought…

  • Federal Circuit Arguments at the Law School

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit heard oral arguments in four cases at the University of Chicago Law School, today. I was only able to attend for about 45 minutes, but it was quite interesting; while I’ve observed criminal and civil trials, before, this was my first live experience with oral…

  • Does the Do Not Call List Work?

    Question of the day: does the National Do Not Call Registry work, at all? Does the

  • IM Swarms

    There’s some sort of mass psychology at work, here: I’ll be sitting at home, trying to read a couple more pages for school before crashing for the night, and it starts. I get an IM, and thirty seconds later, another, from a second person. Then, yet another person IMs me, seconds after that. It happens…