Ed Cottrell

  • Upcoming Posts

    Upcoming posts: Platform for the Next President – what America needs in its next Commander in Chief, politically, procedurally, and in personal presentation. Blogging of the 1L job application process Blogging of the 1L exam season Politics and the Charismatic Personality Review of Poker Academy Pro 2 Arguments for and against legalized poker (and other…

  • Tax Breaks for Witchcraft Schooling???

    This is astounding. If you don’t want to read the whole article, just read this pithy quote, from the owner/operator of a witchcraft school: If he [Dutch PM Peter Omtzigt] would come here and try the divination rod and see how important it is to find things, see that it isn’t pleasant to have earth…

  • Justice Alito

    Bush nominated Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, today. Judge Alito is currently on the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (PA, NJ, DE). From everything I know of him and his judicial history, I couldn’t be happier about his nomination.

  • I just knew that was too easy…

    Well, I screwed up my memo on (a) issues, (b) application of one court decision, and (c) citations. Wonderful. At least I caught it all before handing it in. Back to editing… I want to go to bed. UPDATE 10/30 (5:30 PM): It got done and handed in, anyway, but boy, that was annoying. Now…

  • Windows XP Pro SP2 Hibernation & Standby Problems

    My Dell laptop has 1.5 GB of RAM and about 45 GB free hard drive space, yet it can’t hibernate. It tries, resets the screen to some hideously low resolution, then fails, with the message “Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API.” Translation, you have too much memory installed. It also refuses to enter…