Ed Cottrell
Holy Trinity Church
I visited the Hyde Park location of Holy Trinity Church, today. I figured that any church holding services in a chapel at a synagogue has got to be interesting. I really liked it. It really made me think, and provided a lot of what I’m looking for in a church home.
Rice Football is… Not Doing so Well
My alma mater is tied with Army for the longest NCAA football losing streak in the nation, at 10 games. Go Rice! Sigh… Only 117 days until the baseball season opener…
Reviews: Netgear WGR614 v6 and Linksys WRT54G
Sometimes, you really do get what you pay for. I live in a high-rise on the shore of Lake Michigan. There are probably a few dozen WiFi (802.11) networks in this building and the other tower in the complex. It seems like they all work well, except for two: my old one and one other.…
If you know me, at all, then you know that one of my greatest pet peeves is incompetence in any form. This afternoon, though, left me wondering which I find most infuriating: Incompetence in combination with apathy, Incompetence in combination with racism, or Incompetence in combination with raw stupidity. I had the charming opportunity to…
Skepticism and Faith
I was a Religious Studies major as an undergraduate. I loved my field and my department, and I would not change my major, if I could go back to that time. I have to say, though, that a major like RELI makes it very hard to take any group – religious or otherwise – at…