Ed Cottrell

  • Quote of the Day

    “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” – H. L. Mencken Worth remembering – for all of us.

  • I Love My MINI!

    I picked up my new car, yesterday, and it is a blast to drive; no matter how fast you drive, it feels like it wants to run out from under you. (click to enlarge) P.S. The first thing I did, after getting it home (a 170 mile drive), was get a very late dinner at…

  • One Day More

    I’m picking up my new MINI, tomorrow! I spent the weekend at a cousin’s wedding, hence the gap in posts. This week should be better. In other news, I got a new Palm LifeDrive, Friday; it is one cool peice of gadgetry. Given my Palm-dependent lifestyle and the age and memory capacity of my old…

  • It’s Soooo Close!

    My MINI is sitting at the dealer, only a couple hours from here, but I’m going to have to wait until Tuesday to pick it up! Bummer. Note: blogging hiatus coming up – I’m going to an out-of-town wedding, tomorrow.

  • Your Name Offends Us: NCAA Bans Indian Mascots for Postseason

    The NCAA has banned Indian names and mascots at postseason events. One question: if a given people group (tribe, in this case) is not offended by the use of its name and/or likeness by a college athletic department, but outsiders without any ties to that group deem the group’s name, itself, to be “hostile or…