Ed Cottrell

  • Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy Files

    Everyone should take at least a quick tour through this site: Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy Files. We all need a logical check-up, from time to time.

  • The Zo’é People

    I saw a show, last night, that reminded me why I would make a very poor cultural anthropologist. It was about the Zo’é people, also known as the Poturu, a tribe of about 160 in Brazil, near the headwaters of some Amazon River tributaries. They were unknown in the West until 1987.

  • Credit Cards

    I paid off all my credit card debt, today, and it feels good. My guitar, my first and second blown transmissions from my old car, business expenses, a bunch of stuff: gone. Of course, I’m not starting law school debt-free; I’ll have a car loan and enough student loans to float a small country for…

  • Wild Poker Hand

    Last night, I played some Hold ‘Em, and went all-in with top pair (kings), holding AK offsuit. The problem was that two other players had AK offsuit, as well! One of them caught a K-high flush on the river, and the other caught the A-high flush on the river. Ouch. Of course, the pot was…

  • Frist Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research

    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), M.D., today announced that he supports a bill currently before the Senate, which would allow federal funds to be used in the destruction of embryos in order to extract stem cells. I’m not going to dive into the merits of embryonic stem cell research, itself; as I’ve said before,…