Ed Cottrell

  • Check Out My MINI

    The MINI I ordered is viewable, online: view it here. 17 more days… I haven’t had much time to post, lately – been busy working for the man. Unfortunately, in this case, I really am the man…

  • MINI Cooper Deposit

    Well, I put a deposit on a MINI Cooper S; it’s currently on a boat, and I should have it in roughly 3 weeks. Can’t wait!

  • The Hypocrisy Continues

    John Kerry is insisting that the White House release “in their entirety” all documents and memos from John Roberts’s time there. Kerry, despite repeated claims to the contrary, never made public most of his (relevant) Vietnam records, including medical forms, discharge papers, and award citations. Apparently, routine memos are important if John Kerry is to…

  • Going to Get a MINI

    There’s a MINI Cooper S, coming in, that has everything I want to pay for. So, I’m heading over to the nearest dealer (a couple hours from here) in the morning, for a test drive. Assuming I like the current model styling and handling as much as that of the ’04 model, I’ll be reserving…

  • Hackers, or Idiots?

    What is the deal with the 404 (page not found) errors on my site? Some are Power PC problems (a tendency to include bad punctuation in page requests). Most, however, appear to be hack attempts. For example, rather than requesting /edblog/content_45.htm, somebody requests /women/creditos/content_45.htm. What is that? Weird…