Ed Cottrell
Oops – Biggest News of the Day!
I don’t know how I forgot this; two of my dearest friends, Bryan and Kristine Vermillion, delivered a healthy, baby boy, today. Congratulations, Bryan and Kristine!
New Feature: Current Reading and Listening
I have added a fun new feature: on certain pages (the home page, Music page, EdBlog, and books section), my current and most recent reading and listening selections will appear on the left side. I have always thought this was a cool feature on other sites, because it’s (a) interesting to see what makes people…
Harry Potter, Parents, the Media, and the Lunatic Fringe(s)
“Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.” (German: “Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.”) — Heinrich Heine, from his play Almansor (1821) I saw a report on CNN Headline News, earlier, about the (midnight, last night) release of the latest Harry Potter novel. Forget for…
PC Morons
When a Canadian police officer teaching about appropriate attitudes towards women comes under fire for suggesting that some cultures disrespect women, or a British schoolmaster loses his job for suggesting that assimilation of immigrants causes less division than encouraging multiple cultures to retain their distinctive identities in a single location, I wonder if we (Western,…
Do terrorists really hate freedom?
That’s the question posed (and answered, tongue-in-cheek, Trudeau-style) in today’s Doonesbury strip. It’s actually a really good question, so I’ll offer my answer.