Ed Cottrell
Open Source Software and the Free Software Foundation
I love free and open source software. In fact, I use open source software for database management, blogging, blog reading, web browsing, and doing dozens of other daily tasks. I love Linux, MySQL, PHP, and Firefox, in particular. Ocassionally, I even contribute some code – a script or function, usually – to the world, myself,…
Kelo Fallout
I had to jump on the bandwagon, here, and comment on the Kelo case (KELO et al v. CITY OF NEW LONDON et al). For those who don’t know, the Kelo case was brought by a homeowner (Kelo) against the city of New London, CT, because the city intended to force homeowners off their land…
My Destination(s)
The most important news is that I got my Yale Law School rejection, today, so I’m definitely going to Chicago. It’s great to have that settled. In other news, I’ve moved to North Carolina for the next few months. My parents and my businesses are now located here, so I will be, too, until September.…
One of the most brilliant people I have ever known, a dear friend, and a graduate of Rice University and MIT, Neal Jameson, III, passed away on March 10, 2005. I am not sure what the circumstances were, but I know that Neal wrestled mightily with many issues on this earth. I am glad to…
Terri Schiavo: What Her Story Means to the Rest of Us
I’ve posted before on the Terri Schiavo story; while I did not want to jump on the news of her death in the early hours, there are some things that need to be said. First of all, I think everyone who is even aware of who Terri Schiavo was would agree that what happened to…