Ed Cottrell
STOMP is awesome. Annie bought me tickets for Christmas and treated me to dinner at Gordon Biersch (also awesome), tonight. That was a very cool performance. Oh, and I got a call from UVA, today: more good news made me 4 for 4. Sweet.
The Official “Numbers are annoying” Post
I’m frustrated by the waiting game on school applications. Why? Well, I got a very solid (A- range) GPA from Rice, which, of course, is a great, though underrated, school. I got a very good LSAT score, but not quite what I was getting in practice. Now, I have to play the blasted waiting game…
NYU Acceptance
I just got my acceptance to NYU School of Law. That’s 3-for-3; I’m feeling good!
Quantity vs. Quality in Academia
Something that has always interested me, and which is especially interesting as I prepare to embark on an academic career, is the question of what qualifies as a worthwhile, academic endeavor (in terms of published works, which is still the most widely used measure of academic value). That is, how tightly reasoned does an argument…
Updates, and Merry Christmas!
All my applications – a whopping 15 total, since I’m applying to do a J.D. and Ph.D. simultaneously, where possible – have been submitted, and I actually received my first acceptance letter, today, to Vanderbilt Law School. That was encouraging. In other news, if you haven’t caught the flu, yet, by all means, get a…